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Articles by Danielle van Wyk

3 Top personal finance apps for you to try

3 Top personal finance apps for you to try

19 February 2018

Thanks to technology we are able to track practically everything at the click of a button. This includes our heart rate, our social connections, our Uber rides, even our spending! In the vein of the upcoming Budget Speech we thought we’d ...

What does the #ZumaExit mean for the country?

What does the #ZumaExit mean for the country?

15 February 2018

Wednesday night marked the end of an era as former President Jacob Zuma publicly announced his resignation. While the nation for the most part has welcomed this change, it has left many with questions about what happens now.

Fuel price drop set for Wednesday

Fuel price drop set for Wednesday

5 February 2018

South Africans can look forward to lower fuel prices as of midnight tonight. This is according to unaudited month-end fuel price data released by the Central Energy Fund. This means that you will soon be paying 30 cents less per litre for both g...

Day Zero: What you need to be stocking up on

Day Zero: What you need to be stocking up on

29 January 2018

12 April, or as Capetonians have dubbed it ‘Day Zero’, has everyone up in arms as citizens are urged to consume less than 50 litres per person per day. The warnings have resulted in pandemonium as residents’ flock to emptyin...

Surviving the summer heat, smartly

Surviving the summer heat, smartly

22 January 2018

We’re in the heart of summer as temperatures across the country soar. While we are all aware of the basics and do well to take care of ourselves by staying hydrated and protected from the harsh heat, we may still be doing things that are ...

Business outlook for 2018

Business outlook for 2018

22 January 2018

January typically signals the developing of a game plan, whether it be to get fit and healthy, travel, actually finish that book you’ve been wanting to or simply budget better. This is no different when it comes to business. So, if you fi...

How to apply for a student loan in 2018

18 January 2018

A good education is an investment in your future, but it hardly comes cheap. Unless you are the recipient of a bursary or are benefitting from parents who diligently saved, you may be considering a student loan. Moneybags journalist, Danielle Va...

Which diets should you try this summer?

9 January 2018

It’s a new year and with it the promise of new year’s resolutions that typically, if you’re lucky, stick till mid-March. The most common resolution of course is the one to get healthy and fit. This means the festive season i...

Study for free through UNISA this year

Study for free through UNISA this year

8 January 2018

The end of December marked President Zuma’s announcement that the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) will be increasing their funding for first time university or Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) students from...

New year, new car

New year, new car

2 January 2018

The start of the year may have you enthused to roll out some new resolutions. For some this may mean actually getting to the gym or finally learning to cook. Parents may be considering a car purchase for their children, who will now be travellin...

How 2017 taught us to invest

How 2017 taught us to invest

18 December 2017

With a few more weeks left of 2017 the time to reflect is now. With this the tendency is to look back at the year that has passed and how you have grown, failed, achieved and learnt. While your personal life may be the first area of introspectio...

Tips to avoid insurance pitfalls this festive season

Tips to avoid insurance pitfalls this festive season

4 December 2017

December is here and with it the excitement of heading off for some much needed rest and relaxation sets in. This typically signals taking some time out from the shopping, travel arrangements and last minute work wrap-ups to secure your hom...

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