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Articles by Harper Banks

How to ask your partner for financial help

How to ask your partner for financial help

27 March 2022

When unexpected expenses come your way, the wisest course may be to ask your partner for help. We have a look at the importance of getting organised before you approach your partner.

How to qualify for a consolidation loan

How to qualify for a consolidation loan

24 March 2022

We find out debt consolidation differs from debt counselling, and we consider how you can qualify.

What happens when your spouse hides assets during a divorce?

What happens when your spouse hides assets during a divorce?

23 March 2022

For certain spouses, it may be tempting to hide assets during a divorce so that they don’t have to share them. We find out how to recognise when your spouse attempts to do this.

Could you save by relying on cash rather than a card?

Could you save by relying on cash rather than a card?

15 March 2022

Cash has proven to be resilient during the pandemic, with research showing an uptick in its use. We find out why cash has remained king in South Africa, and we then look at the benefits of using cash.

What is a living annuity?

What is a living annuity?

14 March 2022

You may already be aware of the importance of saving for your retirement, but do you know what happens to your funds once you cash out your benefit? We outline the basics of living annuities.

The benefits of investing in an empty plot of land

The benefits of investing in an empty plot of land

9 March 2022

Have you considered investing in an empty plot of land? We find out how this is different from other types of property, and we outline some of the most important points to consider when pursuing this kind of investment.

How much tax do you pay on unit trusts?

How much tax do you pay on unit trusts?

8 March 2022

Investing in a unit trust is a great way to grow your savings. We consider the kinds of profit you can expect from unit trusts, and how each of these are taxed.

How to avoid being a victim of ATM theft

How to avoid being a victim of ATM theft

3 March 2022

In South Africa, ATM theft is a big problem. We have a look at what you can do to stay safe while using an ATM, and we consider a couple of tips that are worth keeping in mind.

Do insurance claims affect your credit score?

Do insurance claims affect your credit score?

1 March 2022

Claims increase your risk profile, which means that you will cost more to cover as a client, which can raise your premiums. However, you may wonder, can claims also impact your credit score?

14 Questions about money to ask your partner

14 Questions about money to ask your partner

23 February 2022

As your relationship becomes more serious, you may consider merging your finances. However, before you take the plunge, it’s essential to know where your partner stands financially.

Are you ready to be the legal guardian of your siblings’ children?

Are you ready to be the legal guardian of your siblings’ children?

22 February 2022

Have you considered what it would be like to become the legal guardian of your siblings’ children? We find out what being a guardian entails, and we consider how you would be able to cover the expenses.

Can you view a family member’s credit report?

Can you view a family member’s credit report?

16 February 2022

Family members are often afforded certain privileges in relation to one another. But does this extend to gaining access to family members’ credit reports?

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