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Articles by Harper Banks

How to host an affordable Christmas lunch

How to host an affordable Christmas lunch

20 December 2021

It wouldn’t be Christmas without your family’s favourite dishes - perhaps your famous pork roast and homemade pudding. But with the ever-rising cost of food and petrol, it’s wise to consider your budget.

4 Costs to consider before having a child

4 Costs to consider before having a child

19 December 2021

It takes a lot of hard work to raise a child. But, more than that, it costs a lot of money. If you’re planning to start a family, you need to be aware of how it will change your current budget.

The rise of rental fraud – don’t be a victim

The rise of rental fraud – don’t be a victim

16 December 2021

It may seem awkward to request credentials from estate agents before handing over a deposit. However, with rental fraud on the rise, failing to do so may leave you vulnerable to scams.

How to protect your elders from fraud

How to protect your elders from fraud

14 December 2021

Criminals like to target the elderly. We have a look at what elder fraud is by considering some real-life examples, and we then offer some tips on how you can protect the elders in your life.

Are you falling prey to funeral cover fraud?

Are you falling prey to funeral cover fraud?

13 December 2021

What if your loved ones try to claim from your funeral cover after your passing, only to find out that your cover doesn’t exist? We have a look at how criminals trick policyholders.

What’s your net worth?

What’s your net worth?

13 December 2021

We have a look at why it’s important to know your net worth, we consider the math behind it, and we find out how you can improve it over time.

What’s your five-year financial plan?

What’s your five-year financial plan?

12 December 2021

If you want to take care of your finances, you need to draw up, and regularly assess, a five-year financial plan. We consider the questions you should ask when you set up or review your five-year plan.  

How to cope with financial anxiety

How to cope with financial anxiety

9 December 2021

If you’re drowning in debt and struggling to make ends meet, then you're also likely suffering from financial anxiety. We have a look at what this entails, and we consider how you can get yourself into a better state.

Should you tell your colleagues how much you earn?

Should you tell your colleagues how much you earn?

8 December 2021

Openly discussing how much money you make is often considered taboo. We find out why this is such a “no-go” topic, and we consider whether it would be in your best interest to open up to your colleagues or not.

Should you trust your tax practitioner?

Should you trust your tax practitioner?

30 November 2021

You hand over the burden of filing your taxes to your trusted tax practitioner. But who is responsible if there are errors in your tax return?

Your medical aid could be terminated – this is how

Your medical aid could be terminated – this is how

29 November 2021

If you’re completely honest with your medical aid provider, you may be excluded from certain benefits. We find out what happens when you’re dishonest in order to avoid these restrictions.

Insurance fraud - syndicates, opportunists, and murderers

Insurance fraud - syndicates, opportunists, and murderers

28 November 2021

We take out insurance to protect ourselves and our loved ones from unforeseen circumstances. But some try to take advantage of the insurance system. We have a look at what insurance fraud is.

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