3 October 2016
The death of a loved one is difficult time, and while you expect the funeral home to be a helping, professional hand to guide you through this some of these companies are the direct opposite of that. Stories have emerged of bodies being held for...
3 October 2016
Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies has released the Final National Liquor Policy for public comment. The draft policy was initially released last year. It proposes a number of significant changes to the current legislation aroun...
2 October 2016
Fuel prices are increasing yet again. The Department of Energy announced last week that petrol will increase by between 43 and 44 cents per litre, while diesel will increase by 23 cents per litre.
29 September 2016
Following the most recent spate of protests at universities around the country, Justmoney looked into the application of Sasria on the relevant insurance claims lodged by the universities.
28 September 2016
Local cell phone network provider Cell C has launched five LTE packages, offering consumers higher speed data services at a lower price.
28 September 2016
Bonitas Medical Fund is the latest medical aid to release its fee increase for 2017. The fee increase across all Bonitas scheme options will be 11.9%, with no decrease in savings. This follows a challenging year for the healthcare industry.
28 September 2016
The use of contactless payment methods is on the rise. This is according to First National Bank (FNB) who have been issuing contactless enabled cards since May 2015 and there are already over 1 million cards on the market.
27 September 2016
National Treasury and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) have released a revised 2016 Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill for public comment. The Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) was set to expire on 31 December 2016, while the learnership ta...
25 September 2016
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has disposed of all investments, excluding his property portfolio, with the sale of McDonald’s South Africa to Emirates-based MSA Holdings. Many believe this could mark his intent to run for president.
25 September 2016
Medical aid fee contributions will increase by 11% on average for Momentum Health customers in 2017 but there will be no benefit reductions, as well as no structural changes or reductions in savings.
22 September 2016
Discovery Health Medical Scheme has released its fees for 2017. The new fees come into effect on 1 January 2017. Medical aid fees for the scheme will increase between 10 and 15%, this falls within the estimated industry increase of 10 and 20%.
22 September 2016
While on the whole Sasfin Holding Limits released positive results, there were areas that experienced decreases. Sasfin released its financial results for the year ended June 2016 earlier this week.
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