When you open a credit card account with your bank, you will receive certain benefits based, in part, on your credit profile. The number of interest free days and the interest rate are among the credit conditions that will apply.
2 August 2021 · Harper Banks
When you open a credit card account with your bank, you will receive certain benefits based, in part, on your credit profile.
The number of interest-free days and the interest rate are among the credit conditions that will apply. But what are the limits, or maximum amounts, of these figures?
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How many interest-free days are allowed?
According to Sarah McLoughlin, growth head at FNB Credit Card, a period of interest-free borrowing applies to all credit card accounts, at the discretion of the banks. FNB, for example, offers an interest-free period of up to 55 days.
However, she explains that certain transactions, such as cash withdrawals, will attract interest immediately. Furthermore, only customers that settle their outstanding balances in full will qualify for the interest-free period.
McLoughlin advises customers to carefully review the terms and conditions relating to the interest-free period attached to their credit card. There are no regulations that restrict or govern the interest-free period, so this could differ from bank to bank.
What’s the maximum interest that can be charged?
In contrast, McLoughlin says, the maximum interest rate that can be charged on credit cards is limited by the National Credit Act (NCA). The calculation is based on the repo rate plus 14%.
“The current maximum interest rate charged is 17.50% (repo rate of 3.5% plus 14%). FNB offers customers a personalised interest rate based on their individual profile. This rate could be as low as prime,” says McLoughlin.
Besides considering the number of interest-free days and the interest rate that’s attached to a credit card, McLoughlin also suggests considering the following:
You can apply for a credit facility with MobiCred. Click here to find out more.
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