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Justmoney's editor tried out the Safety Score tool

Even if you are not a Momentum customer you are still able to make use of the new Momentum Safety Score.

27 May 2015 · Staff Writer

If you are not a Momentum customer (which I am not – through no fault of Momentum) then you have to still register on their website. After inputting some vital information like your name, email address and your cell phone number Momentum will send you an activation code through to your phone.
Once you’re logged in you have to read through some lengthy terms and conditions and agree to them as well. There are three safety score assessments to choose from and I head straight into the personal one.
I wonder whether this question is realistic: “Do you carry your valuables, such as your cell phone, wallet and jewellery, safely and out of sight.” I click on ‘mostly’ as I wear a very valuable Longines watch on my arm, which is hardly out of sight.
After clicking ‘submit’ it alerts me to the fact that my status is on ‘amber’. Not really sure if this is good or bad but I have a feeling that it’s probably leaning towards the ‘bad’ end of the spectrum.
The tool recommends that I keep my valuables out of site, that I keep valuables out of site in my car and that I don’t carry cash with me. I don’t usually carry cash on me but when the tool asked me if I did, I clicked on ‘sometimes’ as there are occasions when I do. Clearly, even this is a no-no.
The tool recognises that I live with a spouse/life partner, which it assures me is a good thing in the event of an emergency (thanks). But it tells me that it’s not a bad idea to ‘get to know my neighbours’.
When I click on ‘action plan’ it tells me that it’s at no cost to get acquainted with my neighbours and that at a ‘low cost’ I should get indtruder proof glass to reduce the risk of smash and grab events.
My vehicle safety questionnaire results also come up as ‘amber’. Still clearly not doing all I can to ensure my safety. It tells me to install a tracking device, keep my doors and windows locked up (a bit tough when your toddler rolls down the window at the back) and not to pick up strangers (thanks, but I don’t do that anyway and I wonder why it makes this recommendation when the tool doesn’t ask you about this).
One useful bit of information the tool tells me to do is check my tyres to ensure the tread is sufficient. Helpfully, I am reminded that if I was a Multiply member I would be eligible to buy a R1,000 gift card at a discount to use at Tiger Wheel and Tyre. Base members (non-multiply members who have bought other qualifying Momentum products) can get a 5% discount on the R1,000 voucher. Momentum Multiply customers, however, qualify for larger discounts depending on the stage they are at: Bronze (7.5% off), Silver (9% off), Gold (11% off), Platinum (13% off) and Private (15%off).  For more information, click here.
I move on to the ‘my safety score’ questionaire. After finishing my questions I click on ‘submit’ and nothing happens…not sure if there are gremlins in the tool or if there’s a problem my side but after two attempts I am loathe to find out what the issue is and I log out of Momentum’s site.
For more information on the Safety Score and how your bonus is calculated, click here.

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