With a student loan from Eduloan you can relax knowing that you are ready.
13 August 2010 · Staff Writer
If you've just received an acceptance letter from a university, are planning on registering in the New Year or have a mountain of outstanding balances to settle - you may be considering study finance.
With a student loan from Eduloan, all of those costs are covered and managed for you! In addition, Eduloan covers textbooks, accommodation and even that much needed laptop. With all of this taken care of, you can focus on what really matters, whether it be furthering your education or helping your children further theirs!
Eduloan's salary deduction facility will also assist you with a quicker approvals process and automatic monthly instalment deductions. Fees are paid directly to the institutions - less worry and much less admin for you.
Eduloan is the preferred provider of education finance, and since 1996 we've issued over 530,000 student loans to the value of R2.2 billion. So whatever study costs are coming up that need to be paid, contact Eduloan now. Because when the opportunity to study comes up, you need to be able to take full advantage of it.
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