With the new year around the corner, you may be resolved to get your finances in order, and to spend the next year growing your net worth. So how would you go about doing this?
29 December 2020 · Isabelle Coetzee
With the new year around the corner, you may be resolved to get your finances in order, and to spend the next year growing your net worth.
So how would you go about doing this? We find out what you can do to stay away from bad debt, and we consider some resolutions that will keep you on the right path.
Tip: If you’re struggling with your monthly payments, find out whether debt counselling is for you.
Why should you be cautious of debt?
According to Ramona Singh, administration director and registered debt counsellor at Infinite Life, debt puts unnecessary pressure on household finances and can ruin relationships.
“If you fall into the trap of taking on credit, it is very difficult to stop,” says Singh.
She points out that debt costs money, and she advises that you think about how much initiation fees and interest will cost you in the long run.
“When you start feeling overwhelmed with your debt, the best advice I can offer is to seek professional help via a financial advisor or debt counsellor. Start living within your means and avoid taking on any new credit, as tempting as it may be,” says Singh.
Try these tips to stay away from debt
Ayanda Ndimande, business development manager of retail credit at Sanlam, suggests taking the following measures in the new year:
Bradley Du Chenne, CEO of Hippo.co.za, adds that an annual insurance assessment can also help.
“In the new year, set aside time to compare insurance, medical aid, funeral- and life cover from different providers to see where you can save money to set aside for a rainy day” says Du Chenne.
READ MORE: 10 ways to repair your credit score if you were a victim of reckless lending
Five resolutions for the new year
According to Paul Behrmann, CEO at buy-now-pay-later fintech, Payflex, there are five main resolutions you should pay attention to in the new year:
1. Reduce your debt
Once you’ve paid all your minimum instalments, put as much extra money as possible towards your smallest credit card balance. Continue until that balance is paid off – then tackle the next smallest balance.
This strategy will not only help build your confidence as each account is settled, it’ll help your credit rating too. Be patient. It will take time, but the end result of being free of debt is worth it.
2. Live within your means
Start with knowing how much money you make and then work out your expenses. Work out which expenses are flexible, such as clothes, food, and entertainment, versus fixed expenses, such as car insurance, rent, or home loan repayments, and medical aid, which remain the same each month.
Find ways to reduce your flexible costs. This may include shopping at a cheaper grocery store, choosing affordable entertainment, and managing your electricity bill by turning off lights in rooms that are not being used.
3. Explore debt-free payment options
Credit is expensive. Shop around, not just for the best deals, but to use your money effectively without incurring debt. Become a savvy shopper by using an interest-free payment option which maximises your cash liquidity. In this way, rather than using costly credit, you can create extra funds to squash those debts once and for all.
4. Save for a rainy day
Set savings goals. Start small and put money away in a separate account. You will be amazed at how much better this will make you feel. Regardless of how much you’re paying off, saving helps create a buffer to avoid future debt traps.
Accompany this with a new attitude where you start seeing yourself as a person who is getting on top of their finances. The trick is to focus on what you want while taking proactive baby steps to put a percentage of your income away in a separate account.
5. Increase your income
Finding a new way to bring in additional income can help you pay off any debt faster and provide you with greater flexibility when it comes to spending and saving.
READ MORE: How to earn passive income through dividends on your investments
This may mean getting a raise or finding a different job. With the online world at your disposal, you can create a side hustle, offering your particular skill set both locally and abroad.
You can consolidate your debt to help reduce your monthly costs and settle it sooner than expected.
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