When starting your own business, you may have to rely on external funding. Perhaps you qualify for a personal loan, but would it be better to take out a business loan instead? We got in touch with a specialist to find out whether it’s bes...
21 January 2020 · Isabelle Coetzee
When starting your own business, you may have to rely on external funding. Perhaps you qualify for a personal loan, but would it be better to take out a business loan instead?
We got in touch with a specialist to find out whether it’s best to take out a business loan or a personal loan to assist you with your ongoing business or start-up.
Tip: To find out more about personal loans and apply for one today, click here.
Start-ups may have to rely on personal loans
Brett Nadasen, business development manager at FinFind, explains that it may be challenging for start-ups to qualify for business finance.
“This is because of the risk of funding start-ups. Many funders are hesitant to lend money to a company that cannot demonstrate a history of generating revenue,” says Nadasen.
“Often taking out a personal loan or funding the business personally in some way, shape, or form is the only method to get a start-up going,” he adds.
However, he cautions that although it may be your only option, you must be mindful that monthly repayments have to be made, so you’ll have to generate enough revenue to repay the loan.
This will have to be done over and above operational expenses, and it will have to be maintained for the entire duration of the repayment term – which can be up to 60 months.
Nadasen recommends only resorting to a personal loan if there’s a secured contract in place. He says that if a contract is available, the following tips could be useful:
Taking out a business loan instead
According to Nadasen, the majority of funders will have an application form that must be completed. However, funders have varying requirements in respect of supporting documentation. For example, some may require a business plan, annual business financials, and projected financials.
“A business loan allows a business to provide its product or service during a period of cashflow constraints with little disturbance to the operations of the business,” says Nadasen.
He adds that it can provide opportunities to grow and expand the organisation and secure new business contracts, which may require an initial investment from the company.
“A business loan should never be taken for purposes that aren’t an operational requirement, for example, to buy assets that you might need in future, but not at this present moment,” says Nadasen.
In general, he has the following advice for entrepreneurs regarding funding for their businesses:
If you’re ready to find out more about personal loans or you’d like to apply for one, click here.
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