When purchasing a home, you’ll often be advised to make a down payment to reduce interest and the amount you’ll pay back for the loan. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this deposit right away and some resort to taking out a p...
8 February 2021 · Athenkosi Sawutana
When purchasing a home, you’ll often be advised to make a down payment to reduce interest and the amount you’ll pay back for the loan. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this deposit right away and some resort to taking out a personal loan. But is this advisable?
JustMoney contacted two of the biggest banks in South Africa to help us answer this question.
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Lee Mhlongo, CEO of FNB Home Finance says the decision to purchase a home is a long-term commitment and comes with unexpected costs that will put pressure on your cash flow. Therefore it’s always ideal to save or use any available cash for the biggest deposit possible.
Your financial services provider can help you through this journey, so be sure to consult them if time and cash allow, Mhlongo says.
Mhlongo says if you don’t have savings or cash available, a loan for the full purchase value of the home is the next best option. A personal loan should be the last resort, he advises.
Geoffrey Lee, managing executive of home loans at Absa, explains that using this mechanism could have affordability implications.
“Your income, current debt commitments, and monthly household expenses are all considered to determine your affordability, and ultimately your ability to take on additional debt,” says Lee.
Mhlongo says you need to establish whether you will still be able to make both repayments - home loan and personal loan - should unforeseen costs arise.
The interest rate charged on a personal loan is typically higher than that of a home loan, says Jordaan.
This is because a home loan is backed by an asset (the home) and a personal loan is not.
Secondly, taking a personal loan to pay for a deposit will result in two sets of monthly service fees – for the home loan and the personal loan.
Lastly, Jordaan says having two loans results in more administration for you to keep track of and manage.
“In this case, it may be best to take up both your home loan and your personal loan with the same credit provider so that your accounts can still be managed in one place,” he advises.
There is no standardised way of financing your deposit, but Lee suggests that before you purchase a house, you should do the following:
Furthermore, it is essential that you as a home buyer also understand:
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