When you apply for a loan, your prospective creditor will assess whether you can afford the monthly repayments. But what do creditors actually consider on your credit report, and what most interests them?
24 February 2021 · Isabelle Coetzee
When you apply for a loan, your prospective creditor will assess whether you can afford the monthly repayments. Most consumers are aware that their credit score, and corresponding report, come into play in this process.
But what do creditors actually consider, and what most interests them?
Tip: You can get your credit score by going to this page and signing up with JustMoney.
What do creditors consider?
When you take responsibility for a large sum of money, such as a loan, which needs to be repaid, your lender will require some kind of guarantee that you will be able to return it.
The top things creditors will consider are as follows.
These factors will also come into play in determining what your interest rate and monthly instalments will be.
READ MORE: What's considered a good credit score?
What counts on your credit report?
Your credit report is compiled by the credit bureaus and it’s based on information they receive from creditors across the country. For example, if you have a store account with Edgars, they will let the bureaus know whether you make your payments on time and in full.
This then allows other creditors to see whether you can be trusted. When they request your credit report from the bureaus, they will assess the following:
If they are satisfied with the answers, they will likely approve your loan. However, if they are not, you will either be declined, or you will be charged a hefty interest rate.
READ MORE: Do this if your credit score is negatively impacted by creditor error
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