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FNB to offer legal cover

FNB has launched a legal cover package. 

26 May 2015 · Staff Writer

First National Bank (FNB) has launched a legal cover package called Law on Call. The package costs R65 a month, and according to FNB is “one of the most comprehensive legal packages.”

Law on Call covers civil, labour and criminal matters.

“The policy holder, their spouse and children up to the age of 21, are covered for up to R65 000 per case with no annual limit, 24/7 access (including over public holidays) to legal advice, and representation in negotiations and round table discussions,” said FNB.

Law on Call service also offers the benefit of an investigative service, where needed, to strengthen the case.

FNB explained that it is not a requirement to have an FNB bank account, but the customer needs to be a South African citizen and have a valid bank account for the debit orders to run from in order to use the Law on Call services.

Necessity of legal cover

“Legal cover is often not perceived as a necessity but the reality is that unforeseen circumstances that could lead to the need for legal cover arise without notice and could make a severe dent in your finances,” said Tertius Bossert, head of FNB Law on Call.

The monthly premium of R65 a month, which works out to R780 a year, is a lot more affordable than having to pay out thousands of Rands if you are caught off guard with a legal issue, explains Bossert.

“Up-front attorney fees are around R800 and the hourly rates quickly add up to a hefty bill.  FNB continuously monitors costs and informs the client if any additional fees must be incurred in order to prevent cost surprises,” said FNB.

Bossert highlighted that based on FNB statistics an average claim costs between R 6 500 and R7 000 which suggests that R65 000 per case is more than sufficient for most consumer’s case needs.

Additional services

In addition to legal advice, FNB’s Law on Call offers clients services that include:
  • Drafting up to 50 contracts (such as an ante-nuptial and employee agreements),
  • A one hour free face-to-face consultation for every personal legal matter that is not covered by Law on Call, and
  • Litigation and debt recovery advice and recommendations.

FNB said that clients and their dependents also benefit from up to R2 million lifetime cover for legal assistance as well as unforeseen legal expense benefit of R20 000 in the event of accidental death of the plan holder.

“There are very few drawbacks to investing in legal cover – it is a safety net to fall back on in the event of severe legal matters and, at the very least, the assurance that your contracts and agreements are free of loopholes, tailored to your needs and professional,” said Bossert.

Excluded matters

FNB said certain matters are excluded from Law on Call cover. These include:
  • Claims against FNB
  • Pre-existing matters
  • Business matters
  • Political cases
  • Intellectual property
  • Insolvency
  • Custody and access to children

To sign up for FNB Law on Call, visit any FNB Branch, request a “Call Back” from a consultant through FNB Online Banking or call 087 736 7773.

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